Rubicon Project's Neal Richter Explains Header Bidding - Part Two of Two
←Back to Indexby Lindsay Rowntree on 27th Sep 2016 in TRADERTALK
In the second of this two-part episode of TraderTalk TV, Neal Richter, CTO, Rubicon Project explains to Rebecca Muir, head of research and analysis, ExchangeWire about header bidding. Richter, a data scientist who entered the world of ad tech as it sits at the nexus of machine learning, highly automated systems and economics takes us back to basics, explaining in-depth how header bidding functions.
This episode covers:
- How publishers should navigate the world of header bidding, including why they would need a header bidder wrapper and how they should approach the selection process
- The future of header bidding, where Richter explains header bidding has a short life span and is a means to an end until a new piece of technology comes along and is able to take of the challenge solved by header bidding and more besides
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